De-Dollarization? Not So Fast
Felix Gerding and Jonathan S. Hartley
Central Bank FX Reserves By Currency
1999-2023 data on central bank currency reserves by currency from the IMF COFER database
1899-1999 data from Eichengreen (2014), Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, the Great Recession, and the Uses-and Misuses-of History
FX Trading Volume By Currency
Data on FX Trading volumes by currency BIS Triennial Survey
Currency Denomination of Global Debt Securities
Data on denomination of global debt securities from Sources: IMF; Dealogic; Euroclear; Thomson Reuters; Xtrakter Ltd; national data; BIS debt securities statistics; BIS estimations.
Currency Denomination of Trade Invoicing
Data for the UK is from non-EU imports and exports, for the European Union imports and exports with extra-EU geopolitical entity partners, for Japan the component Ratio by Contract Currency in the Export and Import Price Index Decomposition, and Australia Export and Import invoicing currencies data.